KeyWord:washing machine
公司主要生产和销售各种球笼式等速万向节,驱动轴总成,汽车减震器 及汽车配件贸易,公司以“品质第一、满足顾客、持续改善、精益求精”为质量方针,以“顾客满意的产品”为质量目标,引进日本先进生产工艺,以德国工匠精益求精的精神生产每个产品,,采用先进的工艺流程和检测手段,产出国际一流品质的产品。产品覆盖了中国车系(上汽桑塔纳、一汽奥迪、捷达、广州本田、上海通用、海南马自达、神龙富康、风神蓝鸟、天津丰田、天津夏利、江苏锐达、上汽奇瑞、长安奥托、长安福特,长城,力帆,比亚迪,哈飞,吉利等)、日本车系(丰田、尼桑、本田、三菱、马自达、富士、大发、铃木、五十铃等)、美国车系(通用、福特、克莱斯勒等)、欧洲车系(大众、雪铁龙-标致、菲亚特、雷诺、欧宝、富豪、阿尔法罗密欧、奥斯汀路虎等)、韩国车系(现代、大宇、起亚、双龙等)。
The company mainly produces and sells CV JOINT(constant velocity joints )and drive shaft assembly, Shock absorber ,
Autoparts trading.Company has always been "quality first, customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, excellence" quality,
"customer satisfaction products" as the quality goal, "the introduction of technology, import substitution, production
designer, business Chinese," the responsibility to introduce the advanced precision machining lines, the use of advanced
technology and testing methods, outputs world-class quality products. covering cars in China (SAIC Santana, Audi, Jetta, Guangzhou Honda, Shanghai GM, Hainan Mazda,
Citroen, Fengshen Bluebird, Tianjin Toyota, Tianjin Charade, Jiangsu Rui Da, SAIC Chery, Long An Aotuo, Ford, etc.),
the Japanese cars (Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Mitsubishi, Mazda, Fuji, Daihatsu, Suzuki, Isuzu, etc.), the U.S. cars (GM,
Ford, Chrysler, etc.), European cars (Volkswagen, Citroen - Peugeot, Fiat, Renault, Opel, Volvo, Alfa Romeo, Austin
Road Tiger, etc.), Department of Korean cars (Hyundai, Daewoo, Kia, Ssangyong, etc.).
2016-03-21 22:10:18